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New research shows association between malnutrition, malaria and season

A critical association between malnutrition, season and malaria in regions of Central African Republic affected by conflict has been highlighted in a new paper published today in the BMC Medicine Journal. The MENTOR Initiative analysed data from community health workers, Armed Conflict Location and Event Data, and The World Bank Group meteorological data for eight […]

New mobile healthcare for communities in Cabo Delgado

New mobile health teams are visiting 20 communities in the Chiure District of Cabo Delgado to deliver essential healthcare to remote areas underserved by health services and facilities. Most people living in these communities have been displaced by conflict in Cabo Delgado which has also caused the destruction and reduction of health facilities. The two […]

Growing groundnuts to finance health facility

The community in Begouladjé is growing groundnuts to self-finance their local health facility as a phase out approach of the UK aid-funded “Assistance to crisis-affected communities of the Central African Republic” project is implemented. In the latter phase of the 14-year project, MENTOR worked with the community to raise awareness about financing primary healthcare services […]

Supporting the national health system in Central African Republic

MENTOR is working closely with health authorities in Central African Republic and World Vision to implement a new The Global Fund grant aimed at strengthening the national health system. The grant covers the period up to December 2026 and started with workshops to plan the programme across the country. At a recent workshop held together […]

Improving access to healthcare in Central African Republic through Female Focal Points

Women in Central African Republic are being trained as Female Focal Points to improve maternal care and address high rates of malnutrition in children. They support their communities to access treatment and promote health and hygiene through information and education campaigns. Imbeti Claudine, a female focal point in Beboy village near Paoua, explains more: “I […]

Community health worker training in Central African Republic is helping improve malnutrition

The MENTOR Initiative recently completed a five-day training on nutrition for 60 community health workers (CHWs) and 10 health personnel in communities and health facilities around Paoua, Central African Republic, to help improve the treatment of malnourished children and prevent malnutrition. This training included: “This training is an important step to improve the treatment of […]

Supporting essential community-based healthcare in northern Mozambique

In northern Mozambique MENTOR is supporting a network of 305 community health workers, or Agentes Polivalentes de Saúde (APS), to provide essential and continuous health services to people affected by conflict and violence in the region. In Cabo Delgado Province, more than 800,000 people are estimated to have been internally displaced due to armed conflict […]

Tackling malnutrition in communities displaced by conflict in northern Mozambique

Ongoing conflict and the forced displacement of more than 800,000 people in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique has led to a humanitarian crisis in the region. Communities have limited access to food, income and healthcare whilst children under 5 are vulnerable to infectious diseases and malnutrition. A survey* in 2022 showed chronic malnutrition levels exceeded 53 per […]

Supply chain support

MENTOR supports supply chains in countries to make sure essential medical supplies reach remote areas which are not served by existing systems.

Training and supervision

Training and supervision to community health workers provides the skills and knowledge needed to effectively deliver healthcare.