Health information systems

Developing health information systems involves adapting data collection tools, establishing data sharing mechanisms, and integrating systems within existing health infrastructure.

MENTOR supports health authorities to design and implement health information systems that meet the surveillance, monitoring and evaluation needs of each programme. 

Supporting the development of simple, integrated health information systems brings value to the countries where we operate. For example, in Angola the development of DHIS2 modules for implementing mass drug administrations is being integrated into the Ministry of Health (MoH) health information system. 

Developing specific health information systems involves adapting data collection tools, establishing data sharing mechanisms, and integrating systems within existing health infrastructure. Customising these systems ensures they are relevant, user-friendly and sustainable. Local health authorities take ownership of these systems through capacity building and knowledge transfer. 

Training, mentoring and technical assistance equips local health workers with the skills to manage and maintain health information systems independently. We also work with partners and stakeholders to mobilise resources and promote the integration of these systems into national health strategies.

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