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Malaria control in Borno State, Nigeria

The annual indoor residual spray campaign recently begun in communities affected by conflict in Borno State, Nigeria, addressing the high rates of malaria and the worsening health crisis in the region. Malaria is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria with year-round transmission and seasonal peaks experienced during the rainy season. […]

Supporting the national health system in Central African Republic

MENTOR is working closely with health authorities in Central African Republic and World Vision to implement a new The Global Fund grant aimed at strengthening the national health system. The grant covers the period up to December 2026 and started with workshops to plan the programme across the country. At a recent workshop held together […]

On a knife edge: redefining malaria control to save lives

Large-scale vector control is an effective way to prevent the spread of malaria, and to protect people especially those at high risk such as pregnant women and children. But delivering these life-saving activities in humanitarian emergency settings are often extremely challenging. Issues such as insecurity, displacement, and a lack of safe water and sanitation require […]

One year anniversary of war in Sudan

One year on from the start of war in Sudan, millions of people have suffered widespread displacement and violence from airstrikes, bombing, shooting and sexual assault. Sudan is now the largest displacement crisis globally with an estimated 8.6 million people forcibly displaced due to the conflict, which is equivalent to the population of Switzerland. Over […]

Training in southern Angola improves surveillance activities for malaria elimination

District level training in two provinces in southern Angola was carried out recently to improve malaria surveillance for elimination in this border region. The training covered entomology and vector control elements defined in the Malaria Surveillance for Elimination Manual of Angola NMCP. Training started last week with municipal supervisors and surveillance officers in the local […]

Supporting essential community-based healthcare in northern Mozambique

In northern Mozambique MENTOR is supporting a network of 305 community health workers, or Agentes Polivalentes de Saúde (APS), to provide essential and continuous health services to people affected by conflict and violence in the region. In Cabo Delgado Province, more than 800,000 people are estimated to have been internally displaced due to armed conflict […]

MENTOR Capacity Statement

A document that outlines how we work and what we do to save lives in health emergencies and humanitarian crises.

Tackling malaria in growing humanitarian crisis

MENTOR recently completed an emergency Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) campaign in camps and settlements in Renk, South Sudan, helping to protect over 75,000 people from malaria. MENTOR’s IRS campaign started with three days of training for all workers. The teams then sprayed 8,590 shelters and houses in and around Renk Town, where thousands of refugees […]

MENTOR CEO calls for the approval of innovative vector tools to protect against multiple vectors

“We urgently need new disease control tools approved to effectively protect people from multiple disease-carrying vectors,” said Richard Allan during his talk at American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) last week where he presented the results from the trial of SC Johnson innovative spatial repellent, Guardian. The presentation was titled: Gaining control of invasive urban disease vectors: First […]