
Project brief – Advancing access to healthcare in the Central African Republic: a holistic district-level initiative to expand integrated HIV/TB and malaria services, prioritising key populations and underserved areas.

CAR’s GF-GC7 is a 141M EUR project covering the period 2024-2026 targeting disease prevention and treatment of three conditions: Malaria, HIV and Tuberculosis, plus an important component of Health System Strengthening. The donor (The Global Fund) selected two prime recipients to cover all seven regions (RS) of the country: World Vision for regions RS1, RS3, RS4, RS5 and RS6 and the French Red Cross for RS2 and RS7. World Vision then sub-contracted three international NGOs to implement the activities in different regions: The MENTOR Initiative (RS1 and RS3), International Medical Corps (RS4 and RS5) and Cristian Refugee Services (RS6).

This project is government-led, and the partners provide support to facilitate the activities. Workshops, supervisions or CHW development are done by the MoH, with logistical support from partners including (but not limited to) payment of per diems, transport, rental of venues, etc.