
Project Brief: Integrated project to improve nutrition and provide an emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) response for the population of Batangafo, Central African Republic

The MENTOR Initiative is implementing a six-month intervention focused emergency multisectoral assistance for internally displaced persons, returnees, and host communities in underfunded and underserved areas. The project, in collaboration with Médecins du Monde (MDM), includes community-based nutrition and WASH activities to address risk of diseases in vulnerable populations, especially children under 5, pregnant and lactating women, and people with disabilities. MENTOR will oversee malnutrition community-level prevention and screening, while MDM will support nutritional care at health facilities.

MENTOR will also rehabilitate 10 health facilities including building handwashing stations and latrines. Planned activities include training community workers, community sensitisation, establishing accountability mechanisms, active screening, culinary demonstrations, and infrastructure.