MoH Garissa Appreciation Award to MENTOR for Improving Healthcare Services

Owing to The MENTOR Initiative’s continuous and successful collaboration in the implementation of malaria and other febrile diseases prevention and control programmes targeting the most vulnerable communities in North Eastern Kenya, The MENTOR Initiative received two prestigious merit awards during the period of August to November 2016.

The Garissa Ministry of Health was awarded the Best National Prize for Service Delivery and Innovation and following his award, The County Government and the Ministry of Health Garissa in turn organised an award for Partners and stakeholders who have strongly supported the County Government Garissa in improving the health of its population.

The MENTOR Initiative received first award from the Garissa County MoH for meritorious service delivery in the timely implementation of vector control interventions to mitigate malaria and other vector borne disease outbreaks in Garissa, and overall strengthening of the health system.

During the Prize award ceremony which was attended by top Government Officials in Garissa as well as representatives from NGOs, Un agencies and the Civil Society, The Governor for Garissa County appreciated the efforts of The MENTOR Initiative in supporting health service delivery and disease control through the timely and effective interventions to control malaria and outbreaks of other deadly diseases in Garissa County.

The MENTOR Initiative was awarded the prize for service delivery alongside other NGOs and agencies like WHO, UNICEF, TDH, AFYA plus and IMC.

The MENTOR Initiative also received a second award from The Commissioner General of the Kenya revenue Authority (KRA) to show KRA’s appreciation to The MENTOR Initiative for its Compliance with Tax Obligations based on promptitude and completeness in filing statutory returns, and the use the newly implemented i-tax system. The MENTOR Initiative awarded the second Prize in the North Eastern Region, after Garissa University.

Mr Gabriel Mutavi – representing KRA Garissa noted that “The MENTOR Initiative has demonstrated exemplary performance in its attempt to comply with Tax regulations and therefore deserves this honour from The Commissioner General of The Kenya Revenue Authority”.

Sincere thanks to The  Department for International Development for its timely and continued financial support to The MENTOR initiative to ensure that the most vulnerable communities at risk of malaria and vector borne disease outbreaks in North Eastern Kenya have access to timely and lifesaving interventions.