The Annual River Blindness, Lymphatic Filariasis and Schistosomiasis meeting took place last week, bringing together Ministry of Health officials, WHO, partners, country-based staff, and donors to review programmes in 2024 and plan activities for the year ahead.
The MENTOR Initiative was pleased to join the 29th meeting at The Carter Center, to discuss achievements, challenges, and research relating to these neglected tropical diseases.
The MENTOR team met with health ministry partners from South Sudan and Angola where we are supporting mass drug administrations to treat and prevent the three NTDs.
South Sudan, Angola, Chad and Madagascar joined the annual meeting for the first time and will align with existing countries in the Reaching the Last Mile Fund programme such as Nigeria, Ethiopia and Uganda to progress towards elimination goals.
Pictured above (top left) with Director Yak from the South Sudan MoH (2nd from left) is the MENTOR team Jimmy Idraku, Xavier Badia, and Adrian Connelly.
And with representatives from Angola (left to right) Lucia Verzotti – The Carter Center, Luis Lufunda – MENTOR, Dr Cecilia de Almeida – National Coordinator for NTDs MoH.