Education for children affected by conflict in northern Mozambique

MENTOR and its partners recently implemented a project to increase access to safe and inclusive learning environments for children affected by the conflict in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique.

Called Safe and Inclusive Learning (SAIL) the consortium is led by Save the Children International in partnership with Humanity & Inclusion and Associação Progresso, with funding from ECHO.

The overall aim is to ensure that children have access to safe, inclusive, quality and protective learning environments in Cabo Delgado. Specifically, it will make sure:

– the educational environment has adequate water, hygiene and sanitation conditions; and
– access to holistic child protection (CP) and humanitarian response services is improved.

The project was developed to respond to the education emergency in Cabo Delgado. Insecurity and conflict in northern Mozambique have forced thousands of people to flee their homes. The large majority of the internally displaced people remain in Cabo Delgado. It is in this context that The MENTOR Initiative and partners have implemented the project, which aims to reach over 96,000 people, of which nearly 93,000 are children.

MENTOR will be responsible for repairing and renovating boreholes and latrines in schools. The rehabilitation work will include 50 latrines and 45 boreholes, and the construction of 242 handwashing points.

MENTOR will also be responsible for part of the School Health Promotion and Hygiene activities, to maintain and manage resources as well as deliver messages on health and hygiene.

Project factsheets
English version
Portuguese version