
Over the past few decades conflict and natural disasters has left the population in North Eastern Kenya marginalised and vulnerable.

With support from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, & Development Office (FCDO), MENTOR worked in partnership with Departments of Health in Wajir, Garissa and Mandera to ensure vulnerable communities at risk of malaria and vector-borne disease outbreaks had access to timely and lifesaving interventions.

Wajir, Garissa, Mandera and surrounding areas are home to large pastoral agricultural communities whose livelihoods are often destroyed due to erratic rains and droughts. The flat and semi-arid areas in this region are prone to large-scale flooding. This provides perfect conditions for mosquito breeding, which can lead to devastating epidemics of malaria and other vector-borne diseases (VBD) among the non-immune population.

Main activities

– Supported health facilities to improve patient care, diagnosis and treatment of VBDs.
Training Community Health Workers to provide consistent information on malaria, and diagnose and treat straightforward cases.
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) campaigns to protect people from malaria and leishmaniasis.
Information, Education and Communications about the benefits of IRS.
– Targeting Chikungunya and dengue fever through training health workers on diagnosis, surveillance and monitoring. Door-to-door IEC campaigns to raise awareness and encourage prevention activities.